Residential Fertilization & Weed Control

Adios Weeds offers a time-tested, 7 Step Turfgrass Care Program. We believe that each lawn is unique in many ways, so we tweak our program to meet every lawn's needs.

Each program includes 3 Pre-Emergent (Spring, Fall & Winter), 3 Fertilization Treatments throughout the growing season and 1 Spot Treatment during the heat of the summer. Each treatment will include Broadleaf Weed Control and constant analysis for possible insect damage, diseases, drought damage and more. We will ensure your lawn is running at 100% year-round. 

NO CONTRACTS!! However, as long as we are regularly treating your lawn, we will guarantee all of our work and re-treat any problems areas in between services should they arise. 

Flower Bed Fertilization & Weed Control

Often overlooked, our flower beds need some TLC throughout the year as well. They're not quite as needy as turfgrass can be, but they do need nutrients in order to be at their very best. By fertilizing your ornamental plants, you're strengthening their root systems and setting them up for success during the tough summer months to help them fight against drought, insects and even fungus & disease, We also include Pre-Emergent treatments in our Flower Bed Programs to go along with the fertilization applications to help reduce the amount of weeds that will attempt to take over your flower beds.

If you are currently on the Adios Weeds Turfgrass Care Program, rest assured that we will spot treat for any weeds in your flower beds on every one of those visits we make as well!

Core Aeration

Soil Compaction is the enemy of beautiful grass. Compaction can be caused by a variety of factors: Pets, children, repeated lawn mowing patterns and harsh temperatures are just a few examples. When soil becomes compacted, even slightly, it inhibits the flow of air, water and vital nutrients that support thicker, healthier turf growth. Even a layer of compacted soil just 1/4 to 1/2 inches thick can have a significant negative impact on the health and beauty of your lawn. That's where Core Aeration comes in. When perform an aeration, we run the aerator over entirety of the lawn while the hollow tines punch through the compacted soil leaving behind plugs of soil. This process will alleviate compaction, so that all of those vital components can reach grass roots much more easily.

How Often Should I aerate? Depends on a number of factors. Do you have dogs that play outside often? Children that have an epic playspace in your backyard? Do you live in Texas? 🤠 If you answered yes to 1 and especially all 3, then your lawn would definitely benefit from an annual Core Aeration. Twice a year is an option as well and will not have any adverse effects on your lawn.

When should I aerate? Spring and Fall are both candidates because they have favorable weather conditions for rapid turf growth, which is what you want for optimal results. Aerations performed during the summer could cause drying out of lawns. The core aeration process leaves the soil begging for more water which is not what you want when it is 100° outside. For this reason coupled with slowed growth during the summer, Spring and Fall are left as the most logical seasons for aeration.  

Commercial Weed Control

Adios Weeds also offers Year-Round 'BareGround' Programs specialized for commercial properties. With as few as 3 Treatments we can have your job site, warehouse, gravel driveways, fencelines and more, completely weed-free for 1 year.

These treatments will save you from paying a contractor or employee wasting time & gas, running a weedeater or other hazardous equipment. Eliminating the use of such equipment will eradicate the unnecessary hazards of rocks being thrown around and potentially harming fellow employees, visitors and even windows & vehicles on your jobsite.

Under our program, you will receive 2 Soil Sterilant Treatments, Spring & Fall and another Treatment in the Summer to ensure total control, year round.

If you have any issues in between each of these services, we will re-treat for FREE.

Ready to get started? Get your FREE ESTIMATE today!

Recent Blog Posts

🏆 Success in controlling weeds in the Spring, starts in the Fall! When we start to cool off, there's a golden opportunity to set the stage for a weed-free, vibrant lawn come Spring. The secret? Weed prevention NOW!'s that time! We FINALLY have some cooler temps and hopefully some rain on the horizon, that all of our lawns could desperately use!

Bermuda: The gold standard for application is 1lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Continue this ratio until mid-October, before grass begins to go dormant. Any nitrogen that goes unutilized before dormancy, will be stored over the winter and help your lawn green up quicker in the spring.

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