🏆 Success in controlling weeds in the Spring, starts in the Fall! When we start to cool off, there's a golden opportunity to set the stage for a weed-free, vibrant lawn come Spring. The secret? Weed prevention NOW!

WELP...it's that time! We FINALLY have some cooler temps and hopefully some rain on the horizon, that all of our lawns could desperately use!

Bermuda: The gold standard for application is 1lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Continue this ratio until mid-October, before grass begins to go dormant. Any nitrogen that goes unutilized before dormancy, will be stored over the winter and help your lawn green up quicker in the spring.

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...and everyone has forgotten about their lawns! But don't! It still has feelings and needs you!
Despite how your lawn looks, its likely not dead. If you have damage from insects (grubs, chinch bugs, etc.) that may be a different story. But many Bermuda lawns will simply go dormant during extreme heat. Don't fret!