Fall Fertilization tips from a New Braunfels Texas Pro


Fall Fertilization Tips

Bermuda: The gold standard for application is 1lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Continue this ratio until mid-October, before grass begins to go dormant. Any nitrogen that goes unutilized before dormancy, will be stored over the winter and help your lawn green up quicker in the spring.

Once dormancy begins to kick in, DO NOT fertilize unless your bermuda has been overseeded with winter rye. If you decide to overseed, fertilize at a rate of 1/2lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 SF, once in December and again in February.

St. Augustine: Fertilizing in the fall is a delicate process when it comes to this notoriously sensitive variety of turfgrass. You can still fertilize at this stage in the year, but I would highly recommend a LOW amount of Nitrogen, moderate Phosphorus (root stimulator) and higher amounts of Potassium (helps withstand winter injury/stress). A fertilizer with the ratio (N-P-K) 5-10-20 would be ideal.

Any fertilizer with higher rates of nitrogen, accompanied with overnight temperatures below 60 degrees will spark widespread fungus (brown patch) issues. This is a problem you do NOT want to deal with! This will result in dead patches and very thin areas in the spring that will need to be repaired.
St Augustine People: STOP WATERING OVERNIGHT beginning this week!! Water and even morning dew with overnight temps in the 50s-60s can cause brown patch as well!!

Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia)
Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia)

As always, shoot us a message with any questions or ask about a free quote!

✌️Josh Jennings 

Owner @ Adios Weeds
