…and everyone has forgotten about their lawns! But don’t! It still has feelings and needs you!
Despite how your lawn looks, its likely not dead. If you have damage from insects (grubs, chinch bugs, etc.) that may be a different story. But many Bermuda lawns will simply go dormant during extreme heat. Don’t fret!
With cooler fall-like temperatures & hopefully some rain on the way, this should help green everything back up somewhat. But, fertilization will definitely help out any lawn when applied around the last mowing of the season. Our lawns become depleted of all nutrients during the tough drought conditions we endure here in Central Texas. So, it is very important to get some of those nurtients back to the grass roots before it goes dormant once again. The best nutrient ratios for Fall fertilizer are usually 3-1-2 and 4-1-2. In your local nursery you will find these ratios in such fertilizer analysis as an 18-6-12 or a 19-5-9. Anything close will do the trick! The leftover nitrogen will be stored while in dormancy and encourage a quick green up in spring to boot.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves…its almost time for that Fall Pre-Emergent. Woot!
Pre-Emergent’s are a vital step in the prevention of weed seeds from germinating and invading your lawn. In order to have a nice “clean” lawn, you need to apply Pre-Em in the Fall and Spring and timing is CRUCIAL. These treatments will ensure an overlap in coverage and set you up for success when it comes to keeping those weeds at bay. Fall applications should occur by October 1st at the latest. So throw on those sweats and get to it!
Hope this helps! But give us a call, shoot us an email or a message if you have any questions
Thank yall and stay warm!
Josh Jennings